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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Thorpe Willoughby

There are 5 bus services serving Thorpe Willoughby.

Service number: 026S - School service - permits and fares

Chapel Haddlesey - Selby High School - Brayton Academy (am only)
Timetable effective from 17th September 2021

Bus route: Haddlesey Crossroads - West Haddlesey - Gateforth - Hambleton - Thorpe Willoughby - Brayton Academy - Selby High School

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva Yorkshire Ltd.

Service number: 034S - School service - permits only

Brayton Academy - Chapel Haddlesey (pm only)
Timetable effective from 17th September 2021

Bus route: Brayton Academy - Thorpe Willoughby - Hambleton - Gateforth - West Haddlesey - Chapel Haddlesey

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Thornes Independent Ltd.

Service number: 64

Selby - Sherburn Industrial Estate
Timetable effective from 21st July 2024

Bus route: Selby - Thorpe Willoughby - Monk Fryston - South Milford - Sherburn High School - Sherburn in Elmet

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva Yorkshire Ltd.

Service number: 164

Selby - Leeds
Timetable effective from 21st July 2024

Bus route: Selby - Selby College - Thorpe Willoughby - Monk Fryston - South Milford - Sherburn in Elmet - Micklefield - East Garforth - Colton - Killingbeck - Leeds

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva Yorkshire Ltd.

Service number: 626

Chapel Haddlesey - Selby High School
Timetable effective from 7th January 2024

Bus route: Chapel Haddlesey - West Haddlesey - Gateforth - Hambleton - Thorpe Willoughby - Brayton Academy - Selby High School

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva Yorkshire Ltd.