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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Stokesley

There are 6 bus services serving Stokesley.

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Service number: 18

Stokesley - Guisborough
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024

Bus route: Stokesley - Great Ayton - Newton Under Roseberry - Guisborough

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Hodgsons Coaches.

Service number: 28-28A

Stokesley - Middlesbrough
Timetable effective from 21st July 2024

Bus route: Guisborough - Stokesley - Great Ayton - Nunthorpe - Marton - James Cook Hospital - Middlesbrough

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva North East.

Service number: 80 - 89

Northallerton - Stokesley
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024

Bus route: Northallerton - Brompton - Ellerbeck - Osmotherley - Ingleby Cross - Swainby - Faceby - Carlton in Cleveland - Great Busby - Kirkby - Great Broughton - Potto - Hutton Rudby - Stokesley

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Hodgsons Coaches.

Service number: DR19

Kildale area - Stokesley
Demand responsive service operating on Fridays only

Bus route: Stokesley - Easby - Kildale - Battersby - Ingleby Greenhow - Great Broughton

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Stokesley and District Community Care Association.

Service number: M4

Guisborough - Sutton Bank
Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays from 29th June to 27th October 2024

Bus route: Guisborough - Great Ayton - Stokesley - Great Broughton - Chop Gate - Rievaulx Abbey - Helmsley - Sutton Bank

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva North East, Coatham Mini Coaches, Reliance Motor Services.

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