Bus services serving Sedbusk
There are 2 bus services serving Sedbusk.
Service number: 519R - School service - permits only
Sedbusk - Gayle - Settlebeck High School
Timetable effective from 3rd February 2023
Bus route: Sedbusk - Simonstone - Hardraw - Moorcock Inn - Lunds - Gayle - Hawes - Thwaite Bridge - Settlebeck High School
This service is operated by: The Upper Dales Community Partnership.
Service number: 520R - School service - permits only
Hardraw - Moorcock Inn (feeder for Settlebeck High & Kirby Stephen Grammar)
Timetable effective from 13th April 2015
Bus route: Hardraw - Simonstone - Sedbusk - Cotterdale - Lunds - Moorcock Inn
This service is operated by: Abbotts of Leeming.