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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Scarborough

There are 15 bus services serving Scarborough.

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Service number: 7 - 7A

Scarborough Town Centre - Eastfield Circular
Timetable effective from 16th April 2023

Bus route: Scarborough - Osgodby - Eastfield - Cross Gates - Seamer

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 8

Scarborough - Barrowcliff
Timetable effective from 16th April 2023

Bus route: Scarborough - St Thomas Street - Westborough - Briercliffe - Queen Street

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 10

Scarborough - Cayton Circular
Timetable effective from 16th April 2023

Bus route: Scarborough - Scarborough, Hospital - Westborough - Eastfield - Cayton

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 11

Scarborough - Sea Life Centre
Timetable effective from 17th April 2023

Bus route: Scarborough - Queen Street - Northstead - Sea Life Centre

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 12 - 12A - 13

Scarborough - Bridlington
Timetable effective from 18th March 2024

Bus route: Scarborough - Osgodby Hill Top - Cayton Bay Holiday Camp - Eastfield - Cayton - Lebberston - Crows Nest / Flower of May - Blue Dolphin Holiday Village - Gristhorpe - Filey - Muston - Hunmanby - Primrose Valley Holiday Village - Reighton Sands Holiday Village - Reighton - Bridlington

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

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