Bus services serving Princes Gate
There are 3 bus services serving Princes Gate.
Service number: 30
Keld - Reeth - Richmond
Timetable effective from 1st November 2021
Bus route: Keld - Thwaite - Muker - Gunnerside - Low Row - Reeth - Grinton - Downholme - Hudswell - Richmond - Scotton - Hunton - Tunstall - Princes Gate
This service is operated by: The Upper Dales Community Partnership.
Service number: 156
Gayle - Leyburn
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024
Bus route: Gayle - Hawes - Bainbridge - Askrigg - Worton - Thornton Rust - Aysgarth - Thoralby - West Burton - West Witton - Woodhall - Carperby - Castle Bolton - Redmire - Preston-under-Scar - Wensley - Leyburn - Bellerby - Princes Gate
This service is operated by: The Upper Dales Community Partnership.
Service number: Richmondshire Rover
Richmondshire Rover
Timetable effective from 28th November 2022
Bus route: Catterick Village - Tunstall - Scotton - Princes Gate - Richmond - Scorton - Moulton - Middleton Tyas - Northallerton
This service is operated by: The Upper Dales Community Partnership.