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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Middleham

There are 3 bus services serving Middleham.

Service number: 159

Richmond - Ripon
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024

Bus route: Richmond - Downholme - Bellerby - Leyburn - Middleham - East Witton - Masham - Nosterfield - Thornborough - West Tanfield - North Stainley - Lightwater Valley - Ripon

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Hodgsons Coaches.

Service number: 542R - School service - permits only

Jervaulx - Middleham - Wensleydale School
Timetable effective from 13th April 2015

Bus route: Jervaulx - East Witton - Middleham - St Peter & St Pauls Primary School - Wensleydale School

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: R Handley & Sons.

Service number: 825

York - Fountains Abbey - Richmond
Sundays and Bank Holidays from 26th May to 6th October 2024

Bus route: Wiggington - Clifton - York - Upper Poppleton - Knaresborough - Harrogate - Ripley Cross - Burnt Yates - Brimham Rocks - Fountains Abbey - Galphay - Kirkby Malzeard - Grewelthorpe - Hackfall - Masham - Jervaulx Abbey - Middleham - Leyburn - Bellerby - Swale View Caravan Park - Richmond

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Reliance Motor Services.