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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Earby

There are 2 bus services serving Earby.

Service number: 280

Skipton - Preston
Timetable effective from 8th March 2021

Bus route: Skipton - Thornton in Craven - Earby - Barnoldswick - Gisburn - Chatburn - Clitheroe

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Stagecoach Merseyside & South Lancashire.

Service number: M4 - M6

Burnley - Keighley - Skipton
Timetable effective from 26th November 2023

Bus route: Burnley - Queensgate - Nelson - Colne - Laneshawbridge - Cowling - Cross Hills - Airedale Hospital - Steeton - Keighley - Kelbrook - Earby - Barnoldswick - Broughton - Skipton

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: The Burnley Bus Company.