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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Chapel-le-Dale

There are 2 bus services serving Chapel-le-Dale.

Service number: 831, 832

Darlington - Hawes - Kirkby Lonsdale
Sunday service
Timetable effective from 5th May to 20nd October 2024

Bus route: Darlington - Scotch Corner - Richmond - Swale View Caravan Park - Grinton - Reeth - Low Row - Gunnerside - Muker - Hawes - Ribblehead - Chapel-le-Dale - White Scar Cave - Ingleton - Cowan Bridge - Kirkby Lonsdale

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva North East.

Service number: 919C - School service - permits only

Chapel-le-Dale - Horton In Ribblesdale - Settle College
Timetable effective from 21st March 2022

Bus route: Chapel-le-Dale - Selside - Horton In Ribblesdale - Studfold - Helwith Bridge - Stainforth - Langcliffe - Settle College

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Bibby's of Ingleton Ltd.