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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Blubberhouses

There are 4 bus services serving Blubberhouses.

Service number: 59

Harrogate - Skipton
Timetable effective from 22nd June 2024

Bus route: Harrogate - The Hydro - Blubberhouses - Bolton Bridge - Skipton

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: The Harrogate Bus Company.

Service number: 618H - School service - permits only

Forest Moor - Fewston - Beckwithshaw (feeder for Harrogate Schools)
Timetable effective from 5th September 2022

Bus route: Darley - Forest Moor - Blubberhouses - Fewston - Norwood - Farnley - Beckwithshaw

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Emmadale Travel.

Service number: 619H - School service - permits only

Blubberhouses - Harrogate - Harrogate Grammar School & Rossett High School
Timetable effective from 4th September 2023

Bus route: Blubberhouses - Kettlesing - High Birstwith - Harrogate - Harrogate Grammar School - Rossett High School

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Fusion Private Hire.

Service number: 820 - 821

Keighley - Otley - Scar House Reservoir
Sundays and bank holidays from 31st March to 20nd October 2024

Bus route: Keighley - Bingley - Shipley - Guiseley - Otley - Norwood - Fewston - Swinsty and Fewston Reservoir - Blubberhouses - Greenhow Hill - Coldstones Cut - Pateley Bridge - Wath - Gouthwaite Reservoir - Ramsgill - Lofthouse - Scar House

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: The Keighley Bus Company.