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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Arkendale

There are 5 bus services serving Arkendale.

Service number: 21

Knaresborough - Boroughbridge - Roecliffe
Timetable effective from 7th April 2024

Bus route: Knaresborough - Nidderdale Lodge - Goldsborough - Flaxby - Coneythorpe - Arkendale - Staveley - Minskip - Boroughbridge High School - Aldborough - Boroughbridge - Roecliffe

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: The Harrogate Bus Company.

Service number: 82 - 83

Ripon - York
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024

Bus route: Ripon - Ripon Schools - Sharow - Copt Hewick - Marton-le-Moor - Dishforth Airfield - Kirby Hill - Skelton-on-Ure - Boroughbridge High School - Boroughbridge - Aldborough - Grafton - Marton - Great Ouseburn - Little Ouseburn - Whixley - Green Hammerton - Kirk Hammerton - Hessay - York

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 182

Knaresborough - Ripon
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024

Bus route: Knaresborough - Lingerfield - Scotton - Farnham - Ferrensby - Arkendale - Staveley - Copgrove - Burton Leonard - Bishop Monkton - Littlethorpe - Ripon

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 756H - School service - permits only

Cowthorpe - King James School
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024

Bus route: Cowthorpe - Hopperton - Arkendale - Coneythorpe - Flaxby - Knaresborough - King James School

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: York Pullman.

Service number: 757H - School service - permits and fares

Boroughbridge - King James School
Timetable effective from 13th December 2023

Bus route: Boroughbridge - Burton Leonard - Staveley - Arkendale - Ferrensby - Farnham - Scotton - Scriven - King James School

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: York Pullman.