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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Addingham

There are 5 bus services serving Addingham.

Service number: 64 - 864 - 873

Ilkley - Skipton - Malham
Timetable effective from 7th April 2024

Bus route: Ilkley - Addingham - Draughton - Bolton Abbey - Strid Wood - Eastby - Embsay - Skipton - Gargrave - Airton - Kirkby Malham - Malham

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: The Keighley Bus Company.

Service number: 74

Wiggington - Grassington
Timetable effective from 30th March 2024

Bus route: Wiggington - Clifton - York - Upper Poppleton - Knaresborough - Harrogate - Otley - Burnley-in-Wharfedale - Ilkley - Addingham - Bolton Abbey - Strid Wood - Burnsall - Threshfield - Grassington

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Reliance Motor Services.

Service number: 74A

Hebden - Grassington - Ilkley
Monday, Wednesday & Friday only service
Timetable effective from 8th April 2024
This service is not wheelchair accessible

Bus route: Hebden - Grassington - Threshfield - Linton - Burnsall Bridge - Appletreewick - Barden Towers - Bolton Abbey - Addingham - Ilkley

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: North Yorkshire Council.

Service number: 864-866-873

Malham - Ilkley
Timetable effective from 5th May 2024

Bus route: Malham - Kirkby Malham - Airton - Gargrave - Skipton - Draughton - Embsay - Barden Moor - Strid Wood - Bolton Abbey - Addingham - Ilkley

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: The Keighley Bus Company.

Service number: 874-875-876

Ilkley - Hawes
Sunday & Bank Holiday only service operating until 20th October 2024

Bus route: Ilkley - Addingham - Bolton Abbey - Strid Wood - Burnsall - Cracoe - Threshfield - Grassington - Kilnsey - Kettlewell - Buckden - Cray - Newbiggin - Aysgarth - Bainbridge - Hawes

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: First Leeds, Reliance Motor Services, York Pullman.