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Bus timetables

Bus services serving Scarborough

There are 15 bus services serving Scarborough.

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Service number: 165 - 64

Scarborough Park & Ride
Seamer & Filey Road
Operates daily until 3rd November 2024

Bus route: Scarborough - Filey Road & Seamer Road Park & Ride Sites

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: East Yorkshire Motor Services.

Service number: 555

Filey - Scarborough (Filey Flyer)
Timetable effective from 10th March 2023

Bus route: Filey - Blue Dolphin Holiday Village - Crows Nest / Flower of May - Cayton Bay Holiday Camp - Ramshill - Valley Bridge - Scarborough

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: J R Promotions Ltd / SS Suncruisers.

Service number: 555S

Filey - Scarborough
Service operates from 22nd July to 7th September 2024

Bus route: Filey - Blue Dolphin Holiday Village - Crows Nest / Flower of May - Cayton Bay Holiday Camp - Scarborough

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: J R Promotions Ltd / SS Suncruisers.

Service number: 840 - 843 - X43

Leeds - Malton - Scarborough - Whitby
Timetable effective from 7th April 2024

Bus route: Leeds - Seacroft - Tadcaster - Copmanthorpe - York College - York - Heworth - Stockton-on-the-Forest - Barton Hill - Malton - Scagglethorpe - Rillington - Sherburn - Staxton - Seamer - Scarborough - Alpamare Water Park - Eden Camp - Flamingo Land - Kirby Misperton - Pickering - Thornton le Dale - Lockton Lane End - Goathland - Sleights - Ruswarp - Whitby

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Coastliner.

Service number: X93 - X94

Middlesbrough - Whitby - Scarborough
Timetable effective from 31st March 2024

Bus route: Middlesbrough - Ormesby - Guisborough - Scaling Dam - Aislaby - Whitby - Hawsker - Robin Hoods Bay - Fylingthorpe - Fylingdales - Cloughton - Barrowcliffe - Scarborough

View timetable (pdf)

This service is operated by: Arriva North East.

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